Bill Connington: How to Help People Living with Parkinson's with AT

All movement helps People Living With Parkinson’s. Mindful movement aids that much more. In this presentation, Bill will show how Alexander teachers can give vital and practical help to those living with PD. The technique is uniquely positioned to aid in improving the Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Balance improvement, the reduction of postural stoop, and fall reduction, are just some of the ways the Alexander Technique can help in daily functioning. Practical topics that will be covered include:

1. How to work with Activities of Daily Living

2. How to help improve breathing and speech

3. How the technique can aid in the reduction of anxiety, and an improved sense of well-being

4. “Remembering to remember,” and repetition of new movement habits

5. The timing of medication and the scheduling of lessons

Alexander teachers can become a valued member of the team supporting People Living With Parkinson’s, and can also be of great benefit to care partners, who are supporting those with PD.

This workshop is open to Alexander teachers and trainees, People Living With Parkinson’s and their care partners, and anyone interested in this vital topic.

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