Judy Stern: Pearl Ausubel's "AT Facial"

Join me for an exploration of the facial musculature and habit. Pearl Ausubel was a beloved senior teacher who understood FM's principles and shared them generously and with Love.

My experience as a teacher and a lifelong student of the Alexander Technique includes many brilliant, loving lessons with Pearl Ausubel (twin sister of Judith Leibowitz). Her small stature belied her powerful ability to connect with her students and impart F.M.'s principles. She made learning fun .. a true gift for all of us who learned with her. I remember the first time she shared with me this very specific work with the facial musculature during a table turn. It was a magical and revelatory experience ... my habits of facial expression were as deeply imprinted as my habits of use in standing and walking. It wasn't simply the physical easing of my face that impacted me that day.. it was the immediate emotional transformation that was so unexpected and enjoyable.

For those among you who remember this experience, it will be fun to share memories. 

For those who never knew Pearl, I share this in her memory. She would be so pleased that her legacy continues. If you have a colleague you exchange with, it would be a perfect time to do this workshop together.        

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